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No StarNo StarNo StarNo StarNo Star | Feb 24 2010, 11:45 PM | Print
Load external content in a popup window
If you wish to show content from another website without taking the user away from your Online Galleries website, you can load the content into a popup window. This is a special browser window that can be a specific size and can have ppoperties controlled such as whether or not the scrollbar or toolbars are visible. To launch content in a popup window, login to the admin area and load the custom page or gallery in which you wish to link to the content. In the text editor, type the text you wish to be clickable.


Launch Content

Select the text and make it underlined.

With the text still selected, click the link button to open the new link dialog box.
In the URL field, replace the 'http://' with something like this ('', 'mywindow', 'location=0, status=0, scrollbars=0, width=400,height=300'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);

The parts in red should be changed to suit your purposes. The first parameter is the URL of the content you wish to load. The last two parameters are the width and height of the window that will be created.

Click OK on the new link dialog box and then save the new text content. Launch your site and click on the link to confirm the popup window opens as you had planned. There are many window properties that can be controlled such as its position on the screen and more - you find find more info on all of there here: